My Crazy College Life

Late Middle Ages

There were several similarities and differences between the black death in 1348 and Covid-19 in 2020.  One thing that they both lasted several and came back here and there after it ended.  Some other similarities between was that there were quarantines, no one knew where it came from when it started, treatments didn’t work for it, and they both had to do with something in the east.  Quarantine started with the black death for when someone would get sick they would be separated from the rest of the people.  In the film Scourge of the Black Death by the History Channel they stated that in Milan, Italy if someone in your home got sick, they would lock everyone who lived there inside to let them all die.  That is quite like what they did here besides the dying part.  Another similarity is that when both diseases started no one was quite sure where it came from and they were not able to treat the illness with the standard practices of the day.  The last similarity was that they both originated in the east.  According to Boccaccio in the Deameron, the black death “had had its origin some years before in the East” and “had spread into the west”.  Much like the Black death, Covid also originated in the East.  It has started in Wuhan, China back in December of 2019 and slowly spread to the rest of the world by sometime in late March 2020.  The difference between the two diseases was the scale, mortality rate, reaction.  According to The Black Death and the Jews 1348-1349 CE the plague has killed off 25 million Europeans out of their population of around 78.7 million people.  That is about 33% of all Europeans at the time.  The black death also had a mortality rate of 99%.  Where as Covid-19 had a mortality rate 1.4% and killed around 2.28 million out of 746.2 million people, about .3% of the population of Europe.  The other major difference between the Black death and Covid was how the people reacted to it.  Back in the Middle Ages when the plague was everyone was much more focused on the religious side of things.  They always had to make sure that the last rites were read because they believed that if they weren’t your soul couldn’t leave and you would have to stay in purgatory longer or even de sent straight to Hell.  They also believed that the plague was sent by God to punish them and that they were being forsaken by God.  That is the big difference between then and now.  All we cared about was the science behind everything.  Now a days religion does not play as big of a roll in our overall society.

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We are a rogue collective of bird watchers. We’ve been known to sneak through fences, climb perimeter walls, and generally trespass in order to observe the rarest of birds.

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